A chat with Vicki, Practice Manager and Our Better World Pledge Champion at Vets4Pets Buckingham
Hi Vicki, what made you become a champion for your practice overseeing Our Better World Pledge?
My dedication to educate people on the importance of working together to reduce the waste we produce. I am passionate that we teach our children all about Best Pet Care as they are the next generation and the changes they can make now will affect not only them but their children’s future as well.
What do you enjoy most about being a champion?
I love looking for opportunities to try and educate people and make a difference.
What were you doing in practice before becoming a champion and have you implemented anything new since being a champion? If so tell us about it please.
In the practice I try to ensure that as much waste is recycled as possible and always look to reduce waste wherever possible. We now have separate bins for cardboard and ensure we recycle all plastics inc. milk / water / juice bottles which all go via PAH. There is a special box for empty crisp packets which are then taken to the local school for collection. The shredded paper is also recycled, or I take it to use in my ponies stable.
Have you got any ideas for things you’d like to implement in the future – both short and long term plans?
It’s all about continuing the education with the team and working together to reduce and manage the waste we produce. I hope to create a positive ethos not only inside of work but outside at home as well. I look to various colleagues for ideas, inspiration or changes that we can make to improve. If we can improve on one thing a week then surely that's a good thing and hopefully this gets passed into the home and onto friends and family.
What do you do at home that you can recommend? Any top tips?
When shopping I am careful what I buy and try wherever possible to reduce the amount that's wrapped in packaging – it’s not always easy and has become a bit of a challenge but I hope I am contributing in a small way alongside ensuring anything that can be recycled is.
If you could suggest one thing that practices or individuals can start doing today to help make a difference, what would it be?
Think about what we use for example paper towels, plastic drinking bottles, snacks etc and how much doesn't get recycled properly.
Any top tips for the Christmas period (home or at work)?
Remember to keep chocolate well out of the reach of animals, each year we see numerous dogs that have helped themselves to a Christmas Advent calendar and tub of chocolates. Educate our clients on the fact so it’s a fresh memory. Once you have smelt a dog being made sick after eating chocolate it’s enough to put you off for life believe me! :)